1. Asexual reproduction involves

      a] two parents b] one parents c] one ovum d] sperm and ovum e] all

2.  The development of unfertilized ovum into an animal is

      a] pathenocarpy b] parthenogenesis c] neoteny d] paedogenesis e] differentiation

3. Syngamy is

      a] fusion of cytoplasm of sperm and ovum b] fusion of nuclei of sperm and ovum c] fusion of two adult individual d] conjugation e] all

4.Isogamy is found in

      a] snake b] rabbit c] monocystis d] fowl e] lizard

5.Capsule enclosing testis of mammal is called as

      a] tunica albuginea b] tunica membrane c] tunica vaginalis d] tunica vasculosa e] tunica corpus

6. Mesorchium refers to

      a] peritonel folds that connects testis and kidney in frog b] peritoneal fold that connects ovary and kidney in frog c] capsule of testis in frog d] capsule of ovary in rabbit e] none

7. Human reproductive system has glands which are

      a] seminal vesicle b] prostate gland c] cowpers gland d] all the above e] none

8. Accessory sex gland in male similar to that of bartholinis gland in female

      a] cowpers gland b] prostate gland c] seminal vesicle d] tysons gland e] none

9. COLUMN 1                          COLUMN 11

1.        male urethra                       a. fertility control device for female

2.        female urethra                    b.  golgi bodies

3.        diaphragm                          c. passage for urine

4.        testosterone                        d. passage for urine and sperm

5.        acrosome                            e. leydig cell

a]1c, 2d, 3a, 4e, 5b,   b] 1d, 2c, 3a, 4e, 5b           c] 1e, 2d, 3a, 4c, 5b                 d] 1d, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5e           e]1d, 2c,3e,4b,5a


10. Scrotum connected with abdomen by

      a] inguinal canal  b] eustachian tube c] canal of schelm d] all e] none

11. Tubuli recti occurs in

      a] ovary b] epididymis c] tstis d] penis e] uterus

12. Sertoli cells are involved in

      a] nutrition of spermatozoa b] excretion c] respiration d] hormone secretion e] all the above

13. If both male and female sex organs present in same individual ,condition is called

      a] dimorphism b] hermaphroditism c] gonochorism d] super female e] gynecomastism

14. Antrum is a cavity in the

      a] ovary b] graffian follicle c] primary follicle d] testis e] sperm

15. Progesterone is secreted from

      a] leydig cell b] graffian follicle c] corpus luteum d] placenta e] corpus albicans

16. Cumulus oophorus is

      a] mass of sperms embedded in sertoli cell b] mass of epithelial cells in in graffan folliclec] heap of eggs d] heap of maturing follicle

17.If the vas deferens of man is surgically disconnected

      a] semen will be without sperms b] sperms in the semen will be without nuclei

       c] spermatogenesis will not take place d] sperms in semen will be non motile

18. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which testis are

      a] surgically removed b] not developed in foetus c] unable to produce sperms

     d] unable to descend in scrotal sac e] none

19. Intra abdominal testis present in

      a] elephant b] goat c] kangaroo d] rabbit e] rat

20. Middle piece of sperm posses

      a] mitochondria and centriole b] mitochondria only c] centriole only d] nucleus and mitochondria e] none

21. Acrosome of a sperm is formed of

      a] lysosome b] golgi complex c] mitochondria d] nucleus e] centriole

22. Accessory sex gland in male similar to that of Bartholinis gland in female

      a] cowpers gland b] prostate gland c] seminal vesicle d] tysons gland e] all the above

23. Centrioles in sperms are located in

      a] head b] neck c] between middle piece and tail d] both b & c e] tail

24. Match the following

       COLUMN 1                        COLUMN II

1.        isogamy                              a. earth worm

2.        spermiogenesis                   b.monocystis

3.        proliferative phase              c.progesterone

4.        secretory phase                   d. estrogen

5.        bisexual animal                   e. uterus

6.         endometrium                       f. spermatozoan

       a] 1a, 2f, 3d, 4c, 5b, 6e                b]1b, 2d, 3c, 4f, 5a, 6e                        c]1b, 2f, 3a, 4c, 5d, 6e d] 1c, 2f, 3e, 4d, 5a, 6b       e] 1b, 2f, 3d, 4c, 5a, 6e


25. In a mammalian sperm spirally arranged mitochondria around the axial  filament are present in the region of the

      a] head b] middle piece c] neck d] tail e] principle piece of tail

26. Primordial germ cells produces

      a] sperms b] ovum c] both sperms and ovum d] androgen e] none

27. Protein secreted from sertoli cell which inhibit FSH production

      a] somatostatin b] erythropoetin c] inhibin d] androgen binding protein e] none

28. Structure homologous to penis present in female

      a] hymen b] prepuce c] vagina d] clitoris e] labia minora

29. When released from ovary human egg contains

      a] one Y chromosome b] two X chromosome c] one X chromosome d] XY chromosome  e] only autosomes

30. Rupturing of follicles and discharge of ova is known as

      a] copulation b] conjugation c] ovulation d] oviposition e] ejaculation

31. Endometrium is the lining of

      a] uterus b] vagina c] fallopian tube d] cervix e] bladder

32. Part of the ovary which acts as endocrine gland after ovulation

      a] vitelline membrane b] graffian follicle c] stroma d] germinal epithelium e] mesovarium

33. When pregnancy fails to occur corpus luteum is replaced by

      a] corpus albicans b] corpus luteum c] theca externa d] theca interna e] new follicle

34. Menstrual cycle includes

      a] proliferative phase b] secretory phase c] luteal phase d] menstrual period e] all the above

35.Extrusion    of second polar body from egg nucleus occurs

       a] After entry of sperm but before fertilization   b] After fertilization    c] Before entry of sperm         d] simultaneouswith fertilization e] No relation with sperm entry

36. The phase during which repairing of endometrial lining of the uterus takes place and the functional lining reappears to receive the fertilized egg is called

      a] secretory phase b] luteal phase c] destructive phase d] ovulatory phase e] proliferative phase

37. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of

      a] vagina b] oviduct c] uterus d] ovary e] liver

38. Implantation in man  takes place after

a]. 2 days of fertilization         b] 5 days of fertilization         c] 9 days of fertilization          d]  16 days of fertilization e] 28 days after fertilization

39. Abnormal condition when the mammary glands of man become female like is called

      a] feminisation b] gonochorism c] gynecomastism d] hermaphroditism e] none

40.Conversion of spermatid into spernatozoan is called

      a]gametogenesis b] spermatogenesis c] spermiogenesis d] oogenesis e] karyokinesis

41. How many sperms and ova will be produced from 25 primary spermatocyte and 25 primary oocytes respectively

      a] 100 sperms and 100 ova b] 100 sperms and 50 ova c] 100 sperms and 25 ova d] 50 sperms and 25 ova e] 150 sperms and 150 ova

42.Non flagellate sperms are found in

      a] ascaris b] rat c] humans d] birds e] all the above

43. Correct sequence of cell stages in spermatogenesis is

      a] spermatogonia , spermatocyte ,spermatid ,spermatozoa

       b] spermatocytes ,spermatogonia, spermatids, spermatozoa

       c] spermatogonia, spermatids, spermatocytes, spermatozoa

       d] spermatocytes, spermatids, spermatogonia, spermatozoa

       e] spermatids, spermatogonia, spermatozoa, spermatocyte

44. The side of ovum which extrude polar bodies is called the

      a] vegetal pole b] animal pole c] peripheral side d] no specific site e] both a& b

45. In mammalian oocyte the corona radiata is

      a] non cellular b] cellular c] membranous d] fibrous e] all

46. The stage of oogenesis which enters meiosis is called

      a] oogonium b] secondary oocyte c] primary oocyte d] all e] none

47.Yellow corpus luteum occurs in a mammal in

      a] heart to initiate heart beat b] skin to function as pain receptor c] brain and connects cerebral hemispheres d] ovary for secretion of progesterone e] testis for secreting testosterone

48.Atretic follicles occurs in

      a] ovary b]thymus c]testis d] liver e]brain

49. At the end of first meiotic division male germ cell differentiates into

      a] secondary spermatocytes b] primary spermatocytes c] spermatogonium d] spermatids e] spermatozoans

50.Polyspermy is prevented by

      a] vitelline membrane b] zona pellucida c] shell d] fertilization membrane e] corona radiata

51. Fertilizin is found in

      a] eggs b] sperms c] wall of uterus d] wall of seminal vesicle e] corpus luteum

52. The fusion of the pronuclei of sperm and ovum is called

      a] fertilization b] conjuation c]endomixis d] amphimixis e] none

53. The fertilization in mammals takes place in

       a]vestibule b] vagina c] uteri d] fallopian tube e] cervix

54. Milk ejection hormone is

       a]Oxytocin           b] vasopressin  c] Prolactin      d]LH   e] FSH

55. Cleavage differs from mitosis in that it

      a] occurs in all body cells b] occurs in zygote c] results into identical daughter cells d] occurs only in invertebrate e] occurs in meristem

56. Superficial meroblastic cleavage occurs in

      a] reptiles b] invertebrates c] mammals d]insects e] birds

57.The cavity of blastula is

       a]archenteron b] blastocoel c]gastrocoel d] coelome e] neurocoel

58. The attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall is termed

       a]attachment b] implantation c] nidation d] either implantation or nidation e]fertilization

59. Human blastocyst consist of

      a] inner cell mass b] trophoblast c] both a&b d] gray crescent e] sub germinal cavity

60.Archenteron is the future

       a]stomodeum b] proctodeum c] cavity of the alimentary canal d] coelome e]none

61.In all animals fertilized ovum develops in a specific sequence which is

      a] zygote, cleavage,morula, blastula, gastrula

       b] zygote, blastula, cleavage, gastrula, morula

       c] zygote, cleavage, gastrula, blastula, gastrula

       d] zygote, gastrula, blastula, cleavage, morula

       e] blastula, zygote, gastrula, morula, cleavage

62. Emboly includes

      a] invagination b] involution c] ingression d] delamination e] all the above

63. Morphogenesis starts with

      a] morulation b] blastulation c] gastrulation d] neurulation e] none

64. Select the correct match





       e.ectoderm ------kidney

65. Extra embryonic membranes includes

      a] amnion b] allantoises c] chorion d] yolk sac e] all the above

66. Extra embryonic membranes develops from

      a] inner cell mass b] trophectoderm c] blastocoel d] raubers cell e] none

67. The type placenta in humans

      a] syndesmochorial b] haemochorial c] endotheliochorial d] epitheliochorial e] haemoendothelial

68.Agents which induce malformation in embryo is called

      a] carcinogen b] mitogen c] teratogen d] pollutants e] none

69. Stage at which neural tube is formed

      a] morula b] gastula c] neurula d] blastula e] none

70. First milk comes out from mothers mammary gland is

      a] antrum b] colostrum c]meiconium d] liquer folliculi e] none

71. Milk secretion is with the help of

      a] prolactin b] oxytocin c] inhibitory peptide d] vasopressin e] all

72. The egg of human is

      a] alecithal b] microlecithal c] oligolecithal d] telolecithal e] macrolecithal

73. Cessation of menstrual cycle in female is called

      a] menopause b] ovulation c] lactation d] parturition e] menarche

74.The first layer differentiated during embryogenesis is

      a] ectoderm b] mesoderm c] endoderm d] neurectoderm e] none

75. Decidua is a part of the

      a] placenta only b] embryonic membranes c] both placenta and foetal membranes

       d] vagina e] none


76. Correct order of a, b, c,d and e in the picture is



              a] a-endometrium, b-perimetrium, c- oviduct, d- ampulla, e- uterine cavity

              b] a-perimetrium, b-cervix, c- oviduct, d- ampulla, e- uterine cavity

              c] a-perimetrium, b-cervix, c- ampulla, d- isthmus, e- uterine cavity

              d] a-perimetrium, b-cervix, c- infundibulum, d- ampulla, e- endometrium

              b] a-perimetrium, b-cervix, c- ampulla, d- isthmus, e- endometrium

77. 50 primary spermatocytes give rise to

              a]  50 spermatids       b] 100 spermatids

              c] 200 spermatids      d] large number of sperms  e] none


78. Identify the structures labeled as

              a] a-sertoli cells , b-Leydig cells c-sperms d-seminiferous tubule

              b] a-sertoli cells , b-Interstitial cells c-spermatogonia d-seminiferous tubule

              c] a-sertoli cells , b-Leydig cells c-spermatogonia d-seminiferous tubule

              d] a-sertoli cells , b-Leydig cells c-sperms d- mesorchium

              e] a-sertoli cells , b-Leydig cells c-sperms d-germinal epithelium

79. Tear secretion in new born baby starts

a] just after birth,        b] 3 days after birth    c] 3 weeks after birth  d] 3 months after birth            e]while birth itself

80.Haemopoitic structure in embryo is

a]. Amnion      b]Chorion   c]Allantois           d] Yolk sac      e]spleen 

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